Easy Hike to The Peak via Kennedy Town, Pokfulam & Morning Trail

Want to do a little hike over the weekend while not wanting to spend your entire day on some remote mountains in the middle of nowhere?

Here’s the plan for you: have a nice breakfast with a cup of coffee in Kennedy Town, walk for an hour or so to The Peak while sweating off some calories, then enjoy the spectacular view of the city, perhaps with a drink on hand.

Start your Saturday morning in Kennedy Town with either some traditional Hong Kong style dim sum at Sun Hing Restaurant (新興) or brunch resties like Butcher & Baker Café, Shoreditch, Jaspas, Tivo and Kinsale, to name a few.
Then, walk to Sands Street towards south east, you will find the road to the stairs. Walk up then turn left and keep walking all the way up to Pokfulam Road. You will pass by Lo Pan Temple. Make a wish for getting a generous bonus, maybe? By the time you reach Pokfulam Road you will have already finished 100 steps of stairs.

Cross the road to get to the other side where you can find the Sinopec gas station.

There’s a little path to the stairs on the left side, walk up. There are another 200 steps of stairs.

Walk up, it’s too late to go back.

If you can finish the 200 steps of stairs there – congratulations, the most difficult part is done!

You will find a sign. Turn right to walk up the little path to head to Hatton Road.

Keep walking and enjoy the peace. Or enjoy the friendly joggers and dogs.

You will pass by a Buddha statue.

Then there’s a sign here. Turn left to head to The Peak.

In the middle of the walk, you can have a peek of Kennedy Town which overlooks the West Kowloon. Hold on, that’s not the best reward.

Continue walking and you will find yourself walking on the Morning Trail.

Then the roads become much easier.

Head to the Lung Fu Shan Fitness Trail direction.

Soon you will reach Hatton Road.

Keep walking then turn left to Harlech Road.

Now everything is flat. Start pulling out your smartphone to make a selfie or take photos of some cute dogs passing by.

After 10 to 15 minutes, you will reach The Peak Tower and Peak Galleria. Be polite to the tourists.

To enjoy the view of the city for free, head to The Peak Galleria on your right hand side, not to The Peak Tower. Go up to the top floor, turn right for the view of Pokfulam Reservoir or turn right for the Hong Kong harbor view. Both are nice!

Now, walk back down to find The Peak Lookout restaurant to get a drink to enjoy the sunset.

The whole walk takes only 1 hour 15 minutes. Easy, isn’t it?

There are many ways to walk to The Peak. You can start from Wan Chai, Central/Mid-Levels, or from The University of Hong Kong, or like me, from Kennedy Town. I used to walk every Saturday from Mid-Levels to The Peak and it only took 40 minutes. There used to be a place on The Peak selling poutine (translation: excessive calories intake) which I would grab every time and all the calories I had burnt were all back.

Luckily that shop was closely down. Now I get to enjoy the view and the breezy nice weather. Sometimes you just need very simple things to be happy.

I hope you enjoy the walk as much as I do too.

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